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Why must choose anti-glare printing paper for students?

Many parents of students with children in grades 1 through 5 are very concerned about their children being nearsighted. Nearsightedness can have many causes, but the use of improperly used school notebooks will also harm the eyes. And quite a lot of parents are interested in the printed paper of students, wishing to have notebooks with a moderate whiteness that is good for their children's eyes, and less dazzling in the learning process.

According to surveys of many printing companies and VnExpress newspapers, most of the school notebooks available on the market are printed on pure white paper. Some types of squash notebooks for elementary school students use paper with a lower whiteness than others and are introduced on the cover as "natural white, anti-glare" paper, which also has a whiteness of up to 82 ISO.

Vietnamese consumers' sentiment in the past still thinks that the whiter the paper, the better, the easier to see and the more prominent the writing, and the darker paper is considered poor quality. So parents often buy books with high whiteness for their children. However, if you are exposed to white pages for a long time and continuously, the eyes will be dazzled, causing eye fatigue, and for a long time, it is easy to have myopia. This has changed the psychology of buying books for children of many parents.

How to choose the best anti-glare notebook printing paper for the eyes

A representative of the company specializing in producing large paper in Vietnam said that since 20003, this unit has found that white paper is too bad for the eyes of students, so it has introduced to the market the type of notebook paper students have. The lower whiteness is suitable for young children's eyesight (but also about 82-84 ISO). However, in the first 3 years of introduction on the market, consumers pay little attention to this product line. The company had to market to users in many forms such as free distribution, printing student notebooks as gifts through competitions for students, actively promoting widely nationwide ... Recently received interest of the market, and more developed than before.

The production of low-whiteness school notebook paper is cheaper than pure white paper because it does not need to use whitening agents, is more environmentally friendly, and recyclable is not harmful.

Deputy Director of Education Publishing House of Vietnam said, the unit has promptly adjusted the whiteness of the paper to not affect students' eyesight.
Mr. Khang said that in the past, Education Publishing House used ISO 80-82 ISO to print books and 80-82 ISO whiteness to print four-color books. When the research results showed that the above whiteness still causes dazzling and difficult to see for students, the publisher has set the paper production companies to correct the whiteness to 73-75 ISO for the paper used to print books.

According to Dr. Vu Quoc Luong, Head of the Department of Examination and On-Demand Treatment, Central Eye Hospital, the rate of school myopia is increasing due to many factors, including long exposure time. books. In order to recognize the children of nearsightedness early, parents need to pay attention to a number of signs: children often rub their eyes, avoid things to look close, keep books or notebooks too close to their eyes when reading, or have to correct mistakes when reading. and writing, skipping or misread when reading small letters, often with poorer performance than children ...

Doctor's advice

To avoid eye problems, doctors recommend, children should not regularly read books in bed while lying on their tummy or reading with flashlights. Read in a well-lit room, take your eyes off the book to look away or look around, you should only watch TV for one hour a day, play video games for no more than 20 minutes at a time, with the screen set straight. at least 50 cm from the face ...

If you are concerned that the use of school notebook products on the market affects your child's eyes, parents can order to print student notebooks as required, at the printing company, at the student notebook printing company ... ..


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