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Notes when choosing the best elementary school notebooks

When their children prepare for the new school year, many parents are always worried about how to choose the best notebook for their child. Please refer to the notes when choosing notebooks in the article below to choose the most suitable notebook for your child.

1. Glasses must match

Most mothers, when choosing a children's notebook for their children, usually only choose the ones with colorful and eye-catching colors, but do not know the forest to choose the notebook, they also need to choose a box to suit the child's age.

For elementary school students, students in grade 1 should choose a 5-box notebook and for students from second to fifth grade, choose the best 4-box notebook. Because they need to write their 5-box notebooks to align the correct font size.

On the problem of how to choose a notebook for the baby to match, the sales staff advise, for the first grade children, choose five-box notebooks, while the children from grade 2 to grade 5 choose only four-box notebook.

2. The spine is durable and convenient

When buying school notebooks for children you should also pay attention to the spine of the notebook because there are notebooks with staples that often swell when opening the page, making it difficult to write or draw, when using a In a short time, the page will loosen and tear.

 So to keep the notebook always neat and intact, do not forget to pay a little attention to the spine of the notebook and choose notebooks with multi-layer glue spines that will be stronger and more durable.

3. The whiteness of the paper is moderate

According to the opinion of most parents, the white the paper, the better it is for the child to see and write well, and the darker paper is of poor quality. However, according to recent research, if students write their papers on white paper, especially writing page after page, they will be dazzled and tired, leading to myopia for a long time. So when choosing for children white paper but not shiny and not smudged, not smudged.

If according to the doctor of the department of examination and treatment of the central eye hospital, the rate of school myopia is increasing due to many factors, including taking into account the time of long exposure to books and to recognize. When children are nearsighted, parents need to pay attention to some signs such as children frequently rubbing their eyes, avoiding the incident of having to look close or keeping books or notebooks too close to their eyes when reading, or having to correct mistakes when reading. and write, also omit or misread when reading small words, children often have worse school results than their abilities, parents should consider it.

4. The distance of the cell must be exactly 2 mm

According to many studies show that when choosing notebooks for your children, you should choose the line of notebooks to be straight with the distance of the square to ensure exactly 2mm. Students in grades 1 and 2 should choose this notebook so that they can easily practice correct and neat handwriting. You should choose a 48-page notebook for your child to carry every day not to be too heavy and change quickly to keep the student swept away.

5. Choose a notebook with a line set in front of the table

In class, teachers often teach them to practice neatly with the desk surface when writing, but in fact, sitting in this posture writing, they can't write and bend their backs easily. When sitting and writing, the notebook must be tilted about 250 degrees from the edge of the table. So choose a notebook with this line already in place to make it easier for you to put it in order because when you open the notebook, you just need to put the cover line in parallel or perpendicular to the edge of the table. can be written easily. With the above notes when choosing the above notebooks, parents will not be confused when buying notebooks for their children and choosing the right notebook to ensure the quality of learning as well as the child's health.

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