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Notes on choosing a writing notebook and teaching 5-box lettering for grade 1 children

When you first get acquainted with letters, your baby will learn how to write letters 5 boxes. This font size is quite large, the purpose is for babies to master all the basic strokes and letters. Here are some notes when choosing the most effective notebook and writing practice for your child.

Practice writing beautiful letters is not difficult. It all depends on the persistence and the methods of adult education. In addition, many mothers do not pay attention to the child's writing notebook. Actually, the quality of the paper, the nape characteristics ... all affect the child's forging process.

How to practice letters for children early

Before thinking about forging words, children need to master the basics. These are the lines that make up all the letters. Of course at school the child has learned through these traits. But in order for the baby to master the 5-box writing style, the mother needs to help her practice more at home.

Here are the basic strokes of lower case letters:

- Straight strokes: There are 3 types of vertical, horizontal and oblique lines.

- Curved lines: includes 2 forms: closed curves and open curves.

- Hook stroke: includes a forward hook (left side), an inverted hook (right side), and a double hook stroke.

- Defect: includes 2 forms, which are the downward stroke and the reverse stroke.

- Fling: is the stroke taken upwards, usually at the end of the letter.

How to choose notebooks for grade 1 children

In order to teach children to practice writing letters with 5 boxes more easily, mothers should pay attention to the following things:

- Should choose notebook with durable and handy nape:

Young children cannot control the force of the pen, so the notebook is often torn. So mothers need to pay attention to the paper material and more importantly the spine of the child's notebook. If you use notebooks with staples nape, it is easy to inflate and cause difficulty. In addition, these notebooks are easy to loosen, tear out during use. Therefore, when choosing notebooks, mothers should choose notebooks with square nape pressed with multi-layer glue. This notebook is both durable, sure and easy to turn pages when using.

- Should choose to buy notebooks with moderate whiteness:

One of the mistakes that many mothers mistakenly think is to choose plain paper. Especially when your child is learning how to write 5-box letters. Mother kept thinking that the paper as white as possible, easy to see and when writing prominent words. This is not true at all. If the paper is too white, the baby will be dazzled, tired and increase the risk of myopia. Therefore, mothers should choose to buy notebooks with moderate whiteness. The paper is also not too glossy and not smudged or smudged when writing.

Above are notes when choosing notebooks and teaching 5-box lettering for grade 1 children. This is a fundamental period to shape the handwriting for children. Is the foundation for your baby to learn how to write a child's letter box. Therefore, mothers need to pay great attention. Not only help children learn in class, mothers also need to practice more words for children at home. This will help your baby to progress faster.


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