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Methods to help students keep their notebooks clean - Good handwriting

b.1. Visual method:

         Teachers engrave symbols on letters for children in many ways: eye combination, headphones, hands practice. This helps them to actively analyze the shape, size and structure of letters, find the similarities and differences of the letters previously learned in the same group by doing similar comparison.

Sample writing is the visual form in all writing exercises. This is the first prerequisite for them to write correctly. There are sample letters: sample letters are pre-printed, letters are enlarged on the board or on a projector, sample letters in notebooks, sample boxes ... The basic standard of sample letters is to be in accordance with the prescribed form, clearly and pretty.

Sample letters work:

- The enlarged sample letters on the board or projector will help students easily observe, thereby creating conditions for them to analyze the shape and basic strokes, the structure of letters to be written in the lesson.

- The teacher's sample letters written on the board will help students grasp the order of the letters of each letter, how to connect the letters in 1 word to ensure seamless writing, fast writing.

- Teachers' words when correcting and marking papers are also observed as model letters, so teachers need to be aware of writing beautiful, correct and clear words.

In addition, in order to teach words not to be monotonous, teachers need to attach importance to handling the relationship between sound and words, that is, between reading and writing. Therefore, in the teaching process of writing, especially the sounds that are mixed by the locality, teachers need to read samples. Correct writing reinforces correct reading and correct reading plays an important role in ensuring correct writing.

b.2 Evoked conversation method:

        This method is mainly used in the early stages of the lesson. Teachers leading students to contact letters will learn with a system of questions, from asking about letter structures, height, and size of letters to comparing similarities and differences. between learned letters and analyzed letter.

For example: When teaching letter a, the teacher might ask the question: How many strokes are included in letter a? What are the features? How tall is the letter a? What is the width of the word? ...

With difficult questions, teachers need to orient how to answer them. The role of the teacher here is the organizer to guide students to analyze the letter structure to prepare for writing practice in the following section.

b.3. Practice method:

        Teachers need to pay attention to the stages of the writing process. The instruction for students to practice must be from low to high for students to be receptive. At first, it is to write the correct shape, structure of the font sizes, then write on the right line and at the prescribed speed. The practice of writing skills must be carried out synchronously in class as well as at home, in writing subjects as well as in subjects of Vietnamese and other subjects.

When students practice writing, teachers need to always shape the way they sit and write. The following basic forms of exercise should be noted:

+ Practice writing words (letters, numbers, words, sentences) on the class board.

The form of writing on the board has the effect of testing students 'learning of writing and the first step in assessing students' writing skills. This form is used to check old papers or after explaining how to write words, and practice writing in class. From there, the teacher discovered the wrong mistakes of the students to correct (wrong size, shape, order of writing strokes).

+ Practice writing words on the student's child's board:

Students practice writing with chalk (or whiteboard) on the chalkboard before writing in their notebooks.

Students can write letters, rhymes, and difficult words on the board. When using the board, the teacher must instruct students how to clean the board, how to raise the board, how to use and preserve the chalk ...

+ Practice writing in notebooks:

In order for students to use their writing books effectively, teachers need to guide meticulously the content and writing skills requirements of each lesson (sample letters, signs of word space, signs of placement. pen, stroke order ...) help you write enough, correct the first line number in each section.

The teacher's quality attention in all subjects is essential. In this way, the new writing practice is consolidated and regularly consolidated. This job requires the teacher, apart from professional knowledge, to have perseverance, carefulness and love for the job - love children.

b.4. Clear and beautiful handwriting.

        The quality of students' writing not only depends on subjective conditions (personal capacity, perseverance practice, teacher pedagogical skills ...) but also the impact of objective factors. (conditions and means for teaching and learning to write). Therefore, in order to train students to write a clear, clean and beautiful way of writing, teachers need to pay attention to instruct and remind them regularly about the following main aspects:

* Prepare and use school supplies.

* Baby board, white chalk (or marker), wipes.

* Writing notebooks, pencils, pens.

        In order to use the aforementioned learning aids in Writing Practice effectively, teachers need to guide students to implement the following points:

+ The child board has lines similar to those in the writing notebook.

+ The chalk has a moderate length.

          + Clean towels.

-Use the sub-table reasonably and ensure hygiene:

+ Write correct posture.

+ Hold and control chalk properly.

+ After writing, check again. Make your own comments and add the missing seats, hold up the board neatly for the teacher to check comments.

+ Re-read the written word before deleting the board.

+ Writing grade 1 notebooks should be kept clean, without curling corners or dirty seconds. Pencils used in the first 3 weeks of grade 1 need to be wrapped carefully, the lead is not too sharp or too thick for easy writing. As for the ink pen, in the past, students completely used the pen with the pointy nib to write bold strokes. Since the ballpoint pen has been widely used as a substitute for pens, students' learning to write has been somewhat convenient (write fast, save ink ...), but the quality of writing is somewhat reduced.

b.5. Follow the rules when writing the word:

       * Sitting posture to write: Straight back posture, not leaning chest against the table, head slightly bowed, eyes 25-30 cm away; Should hold the right hand pen, left hand lightly resting on the edge of the notebook so that the writing page does not move; legs parallel and comfortable (refer to the illustration on page 2, Writing book 1 - volume 1)

      * How to hold the pen: Students hold the pen with 3 fingers (thumb, index finger and middle finger) with a moderate strength (do not hold the pen too tight or too loose): when writing, use three fingers to move the pen lightly gently, from left to right, the pen handle is tilted to the right, wrists, elbows and arms move, soft and comfortable.

     * How to keep notebooks when writing: When writing letters upright, students need to keep their notebooks neatly in front of them. If you are practicing italic, choose yourself so that the notebook is tilted slightly so that the edge of the notebook is at the bottom of the table at an angle of about 15 degrees. Writing the inclination of the handwriting together with the edge of the table will form a 90 degree right angle. Thus, whether written in vertical or italic type, the handwriting is always straight in front of you (the only difference in how the notebook is placed).

      * How to present the lesson: Students look and write correctly according to the model in their writing notebook; write at the request of teachers to avoid writing unfinished writing or writing on the edge of notebook without lines; When writing wrong words, they should not be erased, but leave a short space and then rewrite.

b.6 Innovating teaching methods:

     To improve the writing teaching process, it is indispensable to renew teaching methods, teachers need to know how to differentiate teaching, teaching based on the needs and abilities of each object of students. Learning is a highly personal activity, only when learners are self-conscious, active and creative, can they be effective. Teaching should follow the principle of "learning with practice", student-centered teaching, students are the subject of the cognitive process, the more writing lessons need to create conditions for students to actively continue. receive knowledge (self-observe, comment, memorize), self-practice and learn from experience through writing practice under the guidance of teachers.

b.7. Organize games

        In order for the lesson to be effective, and at the same time to deepen the lesson, the game must be organized after each lesson, no matter how big or small, it must be included in the lesson, though with different forms to make a new impression, to avoid boredom. but the purpose is to reinforce new post knowledge.

 Must create a competitive atmosphere in organizing games. Organizational format of student / student in writing correct and beautiful words - team / team - group / group test "keep the notebook clean, write nice" ...

 Understand the nature of learning and purpose, it must be organized in many forms but not monotonous to avoid repetition.

Sufficiently timely commenting on the game, it is necessary to emphasize the progress of weak students, to encourage them.

Celebrate the efforts of weak students in class.


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