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How to choose a good notebook for the new school year

Natural paper material

Bright white notebooks often create clean, eye-catching feeling, but when writing, under the light, the white light of the notebook will dazzle and strain the eyes. Therefore, in order not to affect writing speed (due to blowout) and more importantly eyesight, you need to choose notebooks with natural brightness.

In addition, the paper must be ink-eating, not squishy, suitable for many pens.

The notebook is durable and convenient

Usually, when buying notebooks, we only pay attention to the paper material, the color of the cover, and not pay attention to the spine. The type of notebook for the spine closed with staples often swells up every time the page opens, making it difficult to write or draw, using only a short time that the pages will loosen and tear.

To keep the notebook always clean and intact despite using many times, do not forget to pay attention to the spine when choosing to buy. The notebooks with multi-layer glue presses (square spines like a book) will be much firmer and more durable, and when you turn the page, you just need to flick the notebook open flat, making writing and drawing very easy.

Lineed pages for easy presentation

Usually, the more a notebook is divided into a cup, the easier and more flexible it is to present lessons. Checked books are suitable for subjects using pictures as the main use; the polygon is suitable for elementary students, and the horizontal notebook is often thought to be suitable for middle and high school students because of the fast and heavy writing requirements.


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