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Choosing a student notebook for your child to forge beautiful words

In order to practice beautiful letters, the tools include pens, notebooks and ink, but normally, people are interested in besides pens, the notebooks are also equally important to choose notebooks for children to practice in post below.

If you want your child to start practicing writing and writing beautiful handwriting, in addition to studying in class with teachers' guidance and correction, parents should also spend a lot of time with their children. about skills as well as the writing used in elementary school. When children enter first grade, the wings of the beginning of life begin to open with many new things and for learning to write, too, children must be guided and sharpened, going through the daily training process. build a solid foundation for themselves to continue to grow.

The first step of approach will be extremely difficult and discouraging children, so parents must prepare their children with necessary and eye-catching tools, more time to observe closely to teach children to learn while studying. play, do not force the child too much, then the practice of words will really bring certain effects.

The quality of students' writing not only depends on the subjective conditions and personal abilities, persistent practice and the level of pedagogy of the teacher ... but it also depends on objective factors. Therefore, in order for their children to write clearly and beautifully, parents should choose the most suitable type of notebook for their children.

To practice beautiful letters, you should choose paper with moderate whiteness, avoid choosing too white paper that will dazzle and increase myopia. Paper with high fineness and weight from 70g / m2 or more.

Some notes when choosing student notebooks are as follows:

- For elementary school students, it is recommended to choose 4-cell notebooks, large notebooks for primary school students in accordance with the school's regulations.

- For middle school students and older and adults, in addition to using a notebook, it is necessary to use a horizontal notebook to practice the application of handwriting to be able to write better in everyday life.

In addition to choosing good notebooks, you should pay attention to choosing pens and ink, tables and chairs and correct sitting posture.

Some types of notebooks that are essential for students to practice beautiful words:

- Writing notebooks: Please choose a notebook in accordance with the current regulations with the word on the cover of THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING published by the Magical Publishing House. Each class has 2 volumes from 1 to 3 and the writing notebook should be kept clean and must not be curled or dirty.

- Beautiful handwriting practice notebooks: Currently on the market there are many diversified types of notebooks depending on how to use notebooks according to the Department or the Education Office and depending on each teacher, there is a way to choose additional practice notebooks for their children. This is an optional notebook of the Ministry, but due to the need to improve the quality, each place has a different way of doing and has a different way of choosing books.

- Plum notebook: Choose for students a notebook with 5 horizontal lines and not a 5-box notebook. Each square has an area of ​​1cm2, natural light paper and no ink detection can train the handwriting to be more beautiful and correct.


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